Services on vibration adjustment of industrial equipment

Specialists of technical-service department (TSD) in «BALTECH» company hold vibration-based diagnostics of equipment (compressors of different types, turbines, gear systems, pumps of all types, centrifuges, separators, fans, electrical equipment), industrial pipelines, containers and assemblies, foundations, buildings and constructions on a call-out basis. Oscillations in mechanism are the result of forward-going defects in different machine units, that’s why in the spectrum of vibration we can recognize disfunction of all kinematical connections and separate details. Any equipment designed and produced without mistakes, installed without wiring blemish and used with all requirements of technical documentation is suspected to runout. This circumstance demands early diagnostics and repair.

We suggest to all customers two variants of arrangement of vibration monitoring and vibration adjustment of rotating equipment:
1. Purchasing of diagnostic tools and arrangement of reliability service and diagnostics at your enterprise with possible off-site training and upgrade training of engineers and technicians;
2. Engagement on outsourcing scheme specialists of TSD of «BALTECH» company, who occasionally with the help of own devices and instruments will carry out necessary tasks in vibration monitoring and vibration adjustment of your equipment.
The second suggestion generally is economically more beneficial, for example, for not big enterprises with small staff quantity and with low need in holding of such kind of work. It is important to note that specialists of technical-service department of «BALTECH» company have wide experience in technically challenging tasks solving.

Vibration-based diagnostics of equipment is carried out by different methods: estimation of general level of bearing units absolute motion, frequency analysis. For more detailed extraction of diagnostic features of defects at early stages are applied: method PeakView, method of envelope spectrum analysis of vibration signal, impact impulse, phase-shift analysis, averaging in the time domain and other. Also it is possible a definition of free frequency of equipment, form change of equipment while operation, construction of pseudo-orbits on several channels. Theory and practice of vibration signal analysis at present time allows getting true information almost on any wiring blemish, production and wear.

Modern vibration-based diagnostics leads to lowering of expenses on repair, extraction of equipment failures and precaution of emergency outages, maintaining of operational characteristics within prescribed limits. Vibration monitoring and vibration adjustment of equipment can have different periodicity:
1. Express diagnosis for definition of repairing work scope before SPR (scheduled preventive repair) or after repair for finding out remaining defects;
2. Vibration monitoring with periodicity one time per month or quarterly. On the results of inspection we will carry out necessary vibration adjustment;
3. Annual maintenance and diagnostics of all dynamic equipment fleet is under the contract. In this case we guarantee lowering of accidental outage time till 3%.

When concluding a contract with technical-service department we find suitable and understandable from of equipment maintenance and also take into account all requirements and wishes of the customer, we have flexible discount system. Contact us and we will discuss all possible variants of cooperation – from consultation till work in all directions of vibration-based diagnostics and technical service. After accomplishment of works we provide reports, protocols and conclusions with recommendations on lowering of vibration level, updating of necessary repair scope.
Application on vibration-based diagnostics in free format you can to the following email:
If you have any questions you can contact our specialists of technical-service department via telephone: +49 (0) 451-370-87-700
Optional services
Our 16-years experience in service we are ready to share with you
- Laser alignment
- Dynamic balancing
- Control Bearings
- Thermal imagery
- Oil analysis
- Laser geometry alignment